Governance is the system through which an organisation makes and implements decisions to pursue its goals; the implemented choices and activities can make a significant contribution to sustainable development.

Governance constitutes our institutional framework and, in order to effectively adopt strategies that respect and enhance the other two factors (Environmental and Social), it must also be guided by ethical principles in line with ESG factors.

These guidelines are particularly reflected in the Code of Ethics, a document that sets out commitments and responsibilities in conducting the Bank’s business and activities, while also defining the set of values, as well as the conduct, that must be adopted by the governing bodies, employees and, in general, by all those who work with the Bank.

ESG Governance




Key numbers




  • Data Protection

    Protecting the confidentiality and security of information on individuals is a key factor in our activities, which is why we are committed to ensuring that the collection and further processing of personal data is carried out in compliance with applicable legislation.

    Principles of personal data protection


  • ESG control system
    • ESG audit controls to assess the level of preparedness for managing climate and environmental risks. The possible effects on internal policies and procedures, as well as on the internal control system, were also analysed.
    • Verification of the Bank’s implementation of ESG regulatory framework with the aim of assessing the adequacy of the organisational procedures and systems for the prevention of non-compliance risks in the field of sustainability. The checks also concerned the NFS.


    Controlli in ambito sostenibilità


  • Cyber ​​security

    Sorvegliamo costantemente il tema della sicurezza informatica con l’intento di salvaguardare l'integrità, la disponibilità e la riservatezza dei dati e dei sistemi. Abbiamo uno specifico «Regolamento per l'utilizzo della postazione di lavoro e dei servizi IT» che vuole sensibilizzare tutti i nostri dipendenti riguardo la necessità di garantire la sicurezza delle informazioni e delle risorse informatiche utilizzate per il loro trattamento.


    Sicurezza informatica
  • Artificial intelligence (AI)

    Utilizziamo tecnologie informatiche basate sull'Intelligenza Artificiale, normate da un apposito Regolamento aziendale, con l'obiettivo di formalizzare i princìpi generali e le procedure interne atte a garantire una gestione dei sistemi di IA coerente la normativa interna vigente.


    Intelligenza artificiale
  • Innovation

    We firmly believe that innovation, if spread at every organizational level, is the engine capable of generating value for the whole Group.
